Kiriko Mechanicus

Kiriko Mechanicus


January 13th 22:30-23:00 FRAS 1

About Kiriko Mechanicus
KIRIKO MECHANICUS is a culinary historian, documentary filmmaker, visual artist and culinary writer. She creates stories about all the things that people put in their mouths (words, tomatoes, body parts, etc.). Her work often concerns the the theatricality and manufacturability of life. Besides being a filmmaker, she’s also a fashion photographer, podcast creator, an inventor of unconventional recipes and beautiful Bouquet-enthousiast. She is happiest when all these elements come together.

In ‘THE DINNER PARTY, 2022’ (work in progress), Mechanicus will invite you to sit at the table with her to participate in a meditation upon eating, drinking, living and dying. Eating is the cornerstone of our human condition, one of the few things that connects us humans to one another and the single thing that keeps us alive. It is also the process of giving birth to shit on a daily. We are living in a time where we are balancing between thoughtless consumption, whilst attempting to eat hyperconsciously. “THE DINNER PARTY 2022” is a New Year’s ritual upon reconsidering what we put in our mouths (food, bodyparts, words etc.). 

Performance by Kiriko Mechanicus. Based on Judy Chicago and Taddeo di Bartolo.

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Kiriko Mechanicus