Diane Mahín
January 20th 19:50-21:00 January 20th 21:30-22:30 FRAS 3
Continuous performance.
About Diane Mahín
Diane Mahín is a Dutch-Iranian performance maker and sociologist. She makes performative worlds in which image and sound are the driving forces. Working with sound reflects her desire to be faced with highly subjective, confrontational and immersive forms of reality. Diane scrutinizes the human body as a material object in order to dissect social constructions, as she wishes to grasp their absurdity and humor. Death and nothingness form the underlying motives of her work. After her studies at Goldsmiths, University of London and Maastricht Institute of Performative Arts, Diane is currently exploring operatic principles within her practice at Sandberg Institute.
About GUT
GUT is the title of Diane’ ongoing practice based artistic research. Through this theatrical thought experiment, she questions how humans behave when their bodies are turned inside out. Diane approaches this question by presenting different performative worlds in which the sounds of the guts of the performers, or those of the audience, are amplified. At Come Together, she will present the first step towards the 5th sequel of GUT. In the fiction of this performance, humanity has started amplifying their gut sounds at some point in history and consequently evolved different ways of being. You will be invited to be with one of these gut-humans in a durational setting. The gut-human’s thoughts, actions, communications, movements, and feelings, are all determined by his gut sounds. With the help of the audience, Diane will develop a clear, pleasantly alienating, and engaging language in which the gut-humans operate.
Diane Mahín - Concept, direction, design
Manuel Groothuysen - Performance
Would not have existed without Gerben Vaillant, Fabián Santarciel de la Quintana, Elowise Vandenbroecke, Asya Deinekina, Erik van de Wijdeven, Erik van der Paardt, Bart van den Eynde
With thanks to Over het IJ, SoAP Maastricht, VIA ZUID, Performance Technology Lab, Toneelacademie Maastricht, Sanne van Rijn, Bianca van der Schoot and Selm Merel Wenselaers
Paul Rondags - Portrait