Robbi Meertens
February 5th 19:40-20:10 February 5th 21:25-21:55 FRAS 3
‘To resonate: re-sonare. To sound again.’
Sound, space, matter and human. They move eachother. In scientific sense resonance is the co-motion of one by movement of the other. In poetic sense resonance has to do with recognition, agreement and connection.
Intersona is a transdisciplinary performance-in-making in which the physical and inner resonance between body, object and space will be researched. Through a complex feedback system, acoustics and movement the sonic field has the capability to literally and figuratively merge image and sound, movement and space, matter and mind.
concept / performance / composition: Robbi Meertens
Robbi Meertens is an artist specializing in performative sound art, experimental music, and transdisciplinary composition. Through his exploration of various modes of listening and a deliberately minimalistic approach, he seeks to allow bodies, materials, and spaces to express themselves.
His work often engages with seemingly contrasting elements—ethereal vs. physical, simple vs. unfathomable, voice vs. noise—ultimately questioning how humans experience and relate to (sonic) events, materials, and environments. Robbi graduated as a guitarist and composer in 2017 and completed his master’s degree in Artscience in 2022. Following his studies, he joined Platform Nexus.