Sherise Strang & Jason Winter
February 6th 22:45-23:05 FRAS 1
When we keep our gaze steady, perfect love casts out fear. In this dance duet, Sherise and Jason search for the righteous path - following the way, the truth, and the life. Where darkness once seemed blinding, it has now yielded to light. Through movement, they carve out space for freedom, embracing their new identity as dancers.
Music: Jason Winter
Sherise Strang graduated in 2016 from the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, specializing in Jazz-Musical Dance. She works as a freelance dancer and choreographer, and alongside Jason Winter, hosts dance events and workshops focused on the healing power of movement and the experience of freedom through dance. Since graduating, Sherise has explored how dance can contribute to overall well-being, both in her performances and in her guiding work.
“Our bodies are wonderfully created, and if we listen, they have so much to tell us.” As a maker, she seeks purity, raw expression, and connection - with herself, others, and the Divine.