Terra Kota
Thrown Out the Window
March 6th 20:00-20:45 March 6th 21:25-22:10 FRAS 2
20 minutes performance that aims to give the very idea on how someone can be thrown out of the window. In honor of Ana Mendieta, Marielle Franco and so many others. It is part of a large trajectory of pieces that try to challenge the neoliberal, male supremacist and elitistic behavior of the art market. It is based on personal stories of treats I've already received from romantic partners that indicated their desire of committing feminicide drawing a line with the most known and disturbing case of feminicide in the contemporary art field: the murderer of Ana Mendieta by the minimalist famous artist Xxx Xxxxx.. Besides denouncing the encouragement of feminices by the art market through institucional policies, the performance tells the story of "micro-performances for protesting art and survival", a technique of art making in the very moment when gender violence happens, inviting other artists to join the movement.
Thais Di Marco is Roma diasporic descendent and was born in an Afro-Brazilian community of Candomblé - Brazil - where she holds the title of Egbomi (bad translated to "young Xaman"). Those communities integrate a huge range of African, Afro-latinas and Indigenous secret societies ruled by ancestors. Her first artistic education in contemporary art was within social projects as Art Against Barbarism - a vibrant political movement by various artists to think how art could play a central role for democracy in countries under conditions of extreme violence. They have triggered art projects, art schools and independent spaces where Thais has worked as a teacher, coordinator and mentor after being a student. She has more than 10 years experience as Choreographer been awarded and sponsored by art fundings, programs, festivals, theaters and cultural centers to present her pieces. Her works present a singular aesthetics that deals with fractured realities overlapping layers of time and civilization in dialogue with postcolonial environments in which antagonic realities get together to create dialectic reasonings on the ecology of spaces. Currently dedicates herself to the problematics of Evil and Contemporary Art.
Concept and Performance: Terra Kota
Contributions: My ex-boyfriends
Inspired by: Patriarchy
In honor to: Ana Mendieta, Marielle Franco and Princess Akwaltune
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