Thais Di Marco

Thais Di Marco

“Octopus Artists Against Neoliberalism“ – Call for working team

March 7th 15:00-17:00 March 6th 21:25-22:10 ELSEWHERE

Dear art community of Amsterdam, 

I, Thais Di Marco, along with the Come Together #5 team, would like to invite you to a conversation that will happen Friday the 6th of March from 15:00 until 17:00 o’clock at Frascati 4 about the neoliberal forces that influence our artwork and practices. The workspace meeting will aim to trigger a larger process of connecting artists, art workers and art lovers that want to resist neoliberal undertakings in the art field. 

Who is entitled to decide what bodies should be shown? 
What is the concept of "art quality" that has been established and whom does it serve?
Who is the art market? 
What does the concept of “fashion” in contemporary art mean?
Why do I like the type of art that I like?
Why does the audience like the type of art that they like?
What does the concept "confronting" mean within the art market and whom does it serve?

We will first split into smaller groups to map our perception on how neoliberalism has been influencing our practices in the city. Later we will open up into a group discussion in order to dream together and come up with possible actions to bring about alternative futures. We are going to make a cartography to understand and to make visible how this world wide phenomenon has been operating and affecting the feelings of professionals locally. 
Those above are some of the questions I have, but the procedure invites everyone to bring their own questions and ideas about how aesthetics is valued or commodified and how neoliberal censorship prevents artists to further develop their dreams and its cosmological and cosmopolitical contributions to the planet. 
Feel free to share this invitation with those you think would be interested. 

Participation is free. If you want to participate please sign up by writing to