Luuk Weers
I tend to keep losing my shape
January 20th 20:45-21:10 FRAS 1
Luuk Weers
I tend to keep losing my shape
Day 3 20:45 FRAS 1
Duration 25 min
The human body is transforming since forever and will do so for the rest of time. What if it does, in the span of one lifetime – would the human species be better capable of change and transition? A research of a body that goes through evolution every other day.
Luuk Weers is a performer and creator who works on the boundary between mime and visual art. He graduated from the Mime in 2018 and since then worked with makers like Boukje Schweigman, Jakop Ahlbom and Karel Tuytschaever. As a maker, he co-founded the collectives Collectief Het Paradijs and VegeLijf. Luuk is always searching for a body that has a different logic than how we know it. He wants to explore a body that’s inside out, upside down or uses different body parts – because he feels we as rational beings limit our understanding of our body.
What if we only knew 10% of our own fysicality?
Credits: Concept and performance: Luuk Weers.