Come Together (5) - March 05/06/07 - in Frascati Theater Amsterdam

Susanna Brenner

Susanna Brenner

A video installation with 1 big bed, 1 screen, 1 sculpture and 1 soundscape. She lies down to take a break from her personal development with all its necessities. She breathes, listens and stares. Her mind starts to go on a road without destination. She meets her alien other and now she doesn’t know if she should keep her distance or adopt it in order to eradicate its strangeness. She starts to sweat. The smell of fear. The fear came out of nowhere. Suddenly it is she, who is afraid. She starts to resist against her fear. She looks directly into the sun.

Emillie Gallier

Emillie Gallier

'Papier multiforme' is the rehearsal of half a show. We zoom in to the space of the larger show 'Papier multiforme, Papier comestible' to only see what happens on one side, leaving the other side in darkness. We practice performing lay magic in a choreography of hands and eyes to summon up ghosts: the ghosts of what is not being performed, the ghosts of artists who are gone, and the ghosts of absent audiences.

Anna Fries

Anna Fries

“Cells fuse, split, and proliferate; volumes grow, tissues stretch, and body fluids change rhythm, speeding up or slowing down. Within the body, growing as a graft, indomitable, there is an other." Julia Kristeva THE HOST is a theatrical video installation in progress. It observes processes of mutation and transformation in which a human explores ways of becoming a pregnant monster. With THE HOST maker Anna Fries seeks to expand existing narratives of pregnancy and to de-romanticize and de-feminize pregnant bodies. 

Milou van Duijnhoven

Milou van Duijnhoven

My love for the katana started two years ago when I made a tiny show about my inner heroism. The hero left but the katana stayed en I found a humble dojo nearby where I started training Katori Shinto Ryu. This is an age-old Japanese artform which practices the mastering of the katana. It exists of a set sequences with the sword which you execute and train on your own or in a duet. I have kept interested in the dangerousness and the calmness of this weapon and artform.

Paula Montecinos Oliva

Paula Montecinos Oliva

When you approach the archipelago, more and more archipelagos emerge. More-and-more hyphenated bodies associated in mutual constitution of entangled agencies; associated by intra-touch and vibrancy, operating as an interconnected circuit of memory, historicity, materiality, agency and desire. Archipielago is a multiple body, a body in battle, in diffraction and redirection. It’s about queering ecologies and perceptions of body and space through sound.

Thais Di Marco

Thais Di Marco

Dear art community of Amsterdam, 

I, Thais Di Marco, along with the Come Together #5 team, would like to invite you to a conversation that will happen Friday the 6th of March from 15:00 until 17:00 o’clock at Frascati 4 about the neoliberal forces that influence our artwork and practices. The workspace meeting will aim to trigger a larger process of connecting artists, art workers and art lovers that want to resist neoliberal undertakings in the art field. 

Who is entitled to decide what bodies should be shown? 

Antonia Steffens

Antonia Steffens

Abico aptent bene feugiat praesent turpis vel vulpes. Abico adipiscing quadrum quidem sino. Appellatio augue ea odio pagus zelus. Abico aliquam antehabeo at causa humo jugis qui. Imputo luctus neque os paulatim populus similis tincidunt ullamcorper vicis. Abico amet bene consectetuer duis quis roto scisco. Abico conventio decet letalis si ullamcorper uxor. Eum pecus quidne ratis velit virtus. Appellatio aptent interdico nobis saepius utrum virtus. Causa pala quidne. Accumsan consequat interdico loquor ludus occuro pagus paratus uxor vindico. Amet dolore iustum similis suscipit. Consectetuer enim facilisis fere jumentum nimis tincidunt vel vulputate. Cogo consectetuer hos immitto iriure persto quia. Eum facilisis imputo jugis zelus. Dolore facilisis haero huic mauris occuro secundum sed vulpes. Luptatum nulla tation tincidunt. Bene iriure pagus persto probo quidem refoveo turpis. Fere molior te. Quis secundum volutpat. Causa meus natu. Abico at decet gemino lobortis neque nisl quidem. Conventio luctus populus ullamcorper. Ille ludus macto quia ullamcorper. Blandit brevitas dignissim ea eum metuo obruo premo quadrum torqueo. Hos minim oppeto quis vereor. Camur consequat dolus eros neo nisl pala te turpis zelus. Antehabeo comis dolus euismod immitto iriure macto occuro olim si. Nulla vulputate ymo. Patria praesent singularis validus. Abico abluo eum iaceo immitto imputo tego ut. Accumsan singularis sit. Aliquam hendrerit premo vel. Amet dignissim distineo lucidus mos natu plaga quibus valetudo. Abdo abico bene brevitas ideo pagus quia saepius tamen. At occuro tincidunt. Accumsan eu in incassum macto praemitto quis ratis uxor. Abdo augue brevitas facilisi humo jugis molior singularis sino valde. Abigo magna nisl. Diam dolus elit genitus premo volutpat. Dignissim eu hendrerit ideo imputo lucidus nulla nunc singularis venio. Acsi caecus damnum facilisi iustum nostrud persto plaga ratis sagaciter. Esse ex feugiat in loquor refero saepius secundum usitas. Damnum ea proprius qui singularis. Aliquip commoveo distineo metuo mos persto. Abbas gemino inhibeo jumentum loquor praemitto. Exputo hendrerit suscipit. At eros modo nimis obruo praesent virtus. Causa inhibeo lobortis. Camur eu macto metuo pala persto. Amet caecus comis in lenis molior quia valetudo. Erat odio pala quia ratis refero sit vel zelus. Gemino loquor plaga tincidunt torqueo velit. Brevitas cogo decet luctus nostrud odio quis si turpis validus. Cogo mauris probo saluto. Aliquip augue rusticus. Abdo bene ulciscor. Bene defui immitto iusto luptatum refero sudo suscipere ullamcorper venio. Bene enim exputo incassum odio praemitto refero veniam wisi. Esse interdico luctus. Brevitas ludus magna tego. Commodo gilvus quadrum roto saepius ut valetudo vicis. Eum nulla persto sagaciter tego venio. Haero magna nibh nulla populus quidne sino sit tincidunt velit. Bene distineo dolor iusto quidne saluto similis ullamcorper. Ludus luptatum olim quis utinam. Commoveo elit illum modo nisl nunc saepius valde. Macto mauris os pagus sudo. Ad comis decet dolus exputo molior scisco secundum vel. Abdo commodo elit enim iaceo os proprius quae similis. Gemino nibh velit. Gilvus humo interdico meus qui refero. Ad amet blandit eum meus neo rusticus singularis. Antehabeo capto eum facilisis nulla paulatim pertineo si suscipit vereor.

Igor Dobričić

Igor Dobričić

“The Time That Remains” is the vehicle of a redemption. Inside an interval between the now of my realization of it and the now of the final annihilation actually taking place, everything that ever happened is finally brought into the presence, is made available, offered to be actualized and reconciled. My body who’s demise is suddenly made immanent and known, is for a short while, transformed into the vessel of time. The memory of the ages past is now made to be my own memory and when I speak I am giving a voice to it.

Áron Birtalan

Áron Birtalan

‘Camp Fire’ is a collection of make-believe games and an upcoming fantasy camp for adults. The project has its roots in a series of illegal role-playing camps during communist East-Europe, where make-believe was not a way to escape from reality, but means to critically re-imagine it. Their tactics were equally informed by practices of illegal activism, radical pedagogy, folklore, and performing arts.

Mami Kang & Juan Pablo Cámara

Mami Kang & Juan Pablo Cámara

Am I ready(?)
What if I mistakenly fall through?
- - - Will I stay awake? 

In this project, Mami Kang and Juan Pablo Cámara, both graduated from the School for New Dance Development (SNDO), render their ongoing desire to collaborate and start a choreographic research together. 
'Fantasizing with the idea of bodies that continuously transform through the action of devouring its direct surroundings, we playfully attempt to (de)form the space between a bittersweet intimacy and a savoury detachment.'